BSc Biologische Wissenschaften
Cardiff, Vereinigtes Königreich von Großbritannien und Nordirland
3 Years
Antragsfrist beantragen
Sep 2025
GBP 28.200 / per year *
Auf dem Campus
* für Übersee | für das zweite und dritte Heimjahr: £9.250 / erstes Jahr: £9.000
Warum diesen Kurs studieren?
Unser forschungsorientierter Studiengang Biologische Wissenschaften bietet Ihnen die größtmögliche Auswahl und Flexibilität, denn Sie können Module aus praktisch allen an der Fakultät angebotenen Fächern wählen.
Wir bieten eine große Auswahl an Fächern in den Biowissenschaften, darunter Tier- und Pflanzenbiologie, Mikrobiologie, Genetik, Systembiologie, Ökologie, Krankheiten, Verhalten, Neurowissenschaften, Zoologie, Entwicklungs- und Stammzellbiologie und Evolution. Im Rahmen unseres Moduls Ökologie und Naturschutz bieten wir auch eine Reihe von beeindruckenden Feldkursen im Vereinigten Königreich und in Übersee an, darunter Flussökologie in Wales, tropische Meeresökologie in Tobago und Regenwaldbiodiversität in Malaysia.
Sie können das Studium an Ihre eigenen Interessen anpassen, indem Sie sich auf einen bestimmten Aspekt der Biologie konzentrieren oder sich für ein breiteres Spektrum an Themen entscheiden.
Ihre Abschlussbezeichnung bleibt bis zu Ihrem letzten Jahr flexibel. Dann können Sie entweder mit einem BSc in Biological Sciences weitermachen oder zu einem anderen unserer BSc-Abschlüsse in Biowissenschaften wechseln. Sie können sich auch für einen spezielleren Abschluss entscheiden, z. B. einen BSc in Biological Sciences (Genetics) oder einen BSc in Biological Sciences (Zoology).
Ihr endgültiger Abschluss hängt von Ihrer Modulauswahl ab. Ihr persönlicher Tutor wird Sie durch die verfügbaren Optionen führen. Sie haben auch die Möglichkeit, zu unserem vierjährigen integrierten Masterstudiengang MBiol zu wechseln, der eine hervorragende Grundlage für eine zukünftige Karriere in der wissenschaftlichen Forschung bildet.
Unser Studiengang Biological Sciences bietet eine hervorragende Grundlage für Karrieren in allen Bereichen der Biowissenschaften und eine solide Ausbildung für Forscher. Unsere Absolventen haben eine Reihe von spannenden und erfüllenden Berufen in wissenschaftlichen und nicht-wissenschaftlichen Bereichen ergriffen, darunter Meeresbiologie, Ökologie und Naturschutz, wissenschaftliches Verlagswesen, pharmazeutische Industrie, Molekularbiologie, Journalismus, Lehrtätigkeit und Veterinärwissenschaft. Viele entscheiden sich auch für ein weiterführendes Studium, indem sie einen Master-Abschluss oder eine Promotion anstreben.
- Genießen Sie eine flexible Studienstruktur, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, Ihr Studium an Ihre Interessen und Wünsche anzupassen, einschließlich der Möglichkeit, ein berufliches Zwischenjahr zu absolvieren.
- Entwickeln Sie Ihre Feldforschungsfähigkeiten mit einem unserer beliebten projektbasierten Feldkurse. Entscheiden Sie sich für einen unserer Kurse im Vereinigten Königreich oder entscheiden Sie sich für eine Reise zu weiter entfernten Orten wie Tobago oder Borneo
- Erleben Sie die Faszination des Lernens in einem aktiven Forschungsumfeld mit Lehrkräften, die auf ihrem Gebiet führend sind
- Nutzen Sie die neuesten Geräte, Techniken und Einrichtungen für Ihre Projektarbeit
- Der Fachbereich Biowissenschaften bietet Zugang zu einem breiten Spektrum an spannenden Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten mit einem Feldzentrum in Borneo und einer starken Beteiligung an den Forschungsinstituten der Universität Cardiff, darunter Sustainable Places, Wasserforschung, Krebsstammzellenforschung sowie Neurowissenschaften und psychische Gesundheit.
Stipendien und Finanzierung
Loans and Grants
Financial support information for students.
We wish to ensure that financial circumstances are not a barrier to your undergraduate study opportunities.
We wish to recruit the very best students and to help us achieve this, we offer a number of scholarships.
Part-time Undergraduate Funding
Information about funding for part-time students.
Financial Support for Asylum Seekers
Information for asylum seekers about the financial support we offer undergraduates and options for funding from outside the University.
This BSc course is full-time over three academic years (four including the Professional Training Year option), with 120 credits attained in each year. Year one is made up of six 20-credit modules, with three 40-credit modules taught in year two. In the final year, the research project carries 30 credits and is accompanied by three 30-credit modules. While we aim to offer as much flexibility as possible in our courses, module choice may be restricted on the basis of Entry Degree to provide capacity on core modules which are required for some degree schemes.
Year one modules involve lectures and supporting tutorials providing background theoretical knowledge as well as practical classes. All of our degree schemes share a common year one, which covers all aspects of the biosciences and has the big advantage of giving you flexibility in degree choice. Classes provide students with IT skills for biologists and an understanding of statistical analysis of data, and coursework is used to develop written and oral communication skills.
In year two, extensive laboratory practicals help to develop practical skills and the ability to critically evaluate experimental data. Set assignments and reading are used to promote self-directed learning and the analysis of primary research literature.
The final year requires much more independent study, and all students must produce a substantial research-based (laboratory, literature, pedagogic or scientific engagement) report.
Throughout the course, we strive to offer as wide a choice as possible to allow you to tailor the degree to your study goals.
Year One
The first year is a common year, covering all aspects of the biosciences. This reflects the increasingly multi-disciplinary nature of bioscience research and has the added advantage of offering you the flexibility of degree choice.
The modern, modular syllabus is delivered through lectures, tutorials, presentations, and practical classes carried out in spacious, well-equipped laboratories. It provides a firm foundation in all the biological disciplines, including biological chemistry, cell biology, microbiology, genetics, evolution, anatomy and physiology, animal and plant biology, and ecology, as well as focusing on developing practical and academic scientific skills. Modules may begin by overlapping with A-level studies, but will soon progress to greater depth and scope.
Core Modules for Year One
- Skills for Science
- Structure and Function of Living Organisms
- Organisms and Environment
- The Dynamic Cell
- Biological Chemistry
- Genetics and Evolution
Year Two
The second year allows for more specialisation and builds on the knowledge and practical skills gained in the first year. There will be a focus on data analysis and scientific communication, as well as advanced laboratory and field techniques. Understanding experimental design, literature review, statistical analysis and critical analysis skills will act as a foundation for further study in year three.
In year two, you have a choice of 11 available modules, up to a total of 120 Credits, leaving you free to pursue particular areas of interest. Available module topics include animal diversity and adaptation, genetics, cell biology, biochemistry ecology and conservation.
Students in the ecology and conservation module will have the opportunity to undertake one of our project-based field courses, which run in a variety of locations both in the UK and abroad.
During year two, you can also choose to switch to the four-year degree with a Professional Training Year, which is taken after the second year, subject to an appropriate training place being identified.
Optional Modules for Year Two
- Animal Diversity and Adaptation
- Genetics and its Applications
- Ecology Part A
- Ecology Part B
- Cell Biology
- Biochemistry
- Developmental and Stem Cell Biology
- Molecular Biology of the Gene
- Physiology
- Concepts of Disease
- Practical Anatomy
- Brain and Behaviour
- Fundamental Neuroscience
Year Three
Our final-year curriculum enables you to specialise in more detail within one of the school's major research themes. This approach immerses you in the research culture of the biosciences, by means of research-driven teaching and a final-year project that allows you to investigate a topic in much greater depth.
The third year's primary focus is the application of core knowledge to the solving of problems and critical evaluation of models, ideas and current debates. This stage of the course will involve an extensive degree of self-directed study in order to develop skills in independent work and lifelong learning, which will help to prepare you for the professional environment.
As well as a 30-credit research project, you will complete three 30-credit modules (from an almost free choice of 18, excluding advanced human anatomy). Modules cover a range of topics including evolution and adaptation, systems biology and modelling, plant science, biodiversity, synthetic biology, advanced cell biology, bioinformatics and functional genomics, and genes and genomes.
At the start of the final year, you have the option of applying to transfer to the four-year MBiol course with an integrated Master’s, depending on satisfactory academic progress and space availability.
Core Modules for Year Three
- Biosciences Final Year Project
Optional Modules for Year Three
- Plants for the Future: Frontiers in Plant Science
- Ecosystems, Sustainability and Global Change
- Evolution and Adaptation
- Biodiversity and Conservation Biology
- Infection Biology and Epidemiology
- Systems Biology
- The 'omics Revolution (Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics)
- Advanced Cell Biology and Imaging
- Genes to Genomes
- Synthetic Biology and Protein Engineering
- Current Topics in Development, Stem Cells and Repair
- Contemporary Topics in Disease
- Cancer: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutics
- Advances in Physiology and Pathophysiology
- Musculoskeletal System: Disease, Repair and Regenerative Medicine
- Neurobiology of Brain Disorders
- Systems Neuroscience
How Will I Be Assessed?
First and second-year modules are normally assessed through a combination of coursework and examinations. All modules include coursework assessments, which may take the form of written practical reports, structured reports, class tests, structured answer tests, group work, poster and oral presentations and computing/statistical problem-solving exercises. Assessments may be summative and count towards the final module mark, or formative, helping you to learn and practice key skills and knowledge through feedback. Examinations at the end of each module comprise a machine-marked structured answer section (assessing breadth of knowledge) and a written answer section (assessing depth of knowledge in specific topics).
In the final year, taught modules are assessed by examination and extended analytical coursework. Your final year research project is assessed by a supervisor’s evaluation and a written report.
What Skills Will I Practise and Develop?
Throughout the course, you will develop scientific competencies as well as key transferable skills that will be invaluable whatever your future career choice. These include:
- Independent learning and self-directed study
- Collating, organising and analysing information to create logical and persuasive arguments
- Analytical thinking and problem-solving
- Communicating complex ideas in a clear, effective way (using all media)
- Working effectively in a team and as an individual
- IT competency, including presentation, graphics and statistics packages
- Performing and interpreting statistical analyses of data
- Effective time management and organisational skills
As a result of engaging fully with this course, you should be able to:
- Critically analyse, synthesise and summarise information from a variety of sources
- Discuss the relationships between structure/formation and function/regulation of molecules, organelles, cells, tissues, organisms and populations
- Effectively communicate scientific, and other, information to a variety of audiences, including the general public, using a range of formats and approaches
- Discuss current issues of research, investigation and/or debate
- Synthesise an argument or point of view, based on solid data and evidence
- Determine the validity and rigour of statistical outcomes
- Build on knowledge and understanding of the role and impact of intellectual property (IP) within a research environment
- Work effectively within a group-based environment, both as a leader and a member of a team
- Demonstrate the skills necessary for independent lifelong learning (for example working independently, time management, organisational, enterprise and knowledge transfer skills)
- Identify, and work towards, targets for personal, academic, professional and career development
- Demonstrate leadership and planning skills for setting, and meeting, achievable goals within the workplace
Studiengebühren für das Programm
Im Studienjahr 2016/17 gaben 93 % der arbeitsfähigen Absolventen der Hochschule an, innerhalb von sechs Monaten nach ihrem Abschluss bereits eine Beschäftigung aufgenommen und/oder ein weiteres Studium begonnen zu haben.
Ein erheblicher Anteil unserer Absolventen des BSc-Studiengangs Biowissenschaften schließt ein Ph.D.- oder Masterstudium ab. Viele andere machen erfolgreiche Karrieren in naturwissenschaftlichen Bereichen wie Forschung und Entwicklung, Naturschutz, Umweltmanagement, wissenschaftliche Forschung, medizinisches oder wissenschaftliches Publizieren, Agrarindustrie und Wildtiermanagement, um nur einige zu nennen.
Unsere Absolventen verfügen außerdem über viele übertragbare Fähigkeiten, die für eine breite Palette von Arbeitgebern in allgemeineren Bereichen der Industrie, des Handels, des öffentlichen Dienstes, der Verwaltung und des Managements attraktiv sind. Schließlich kann ein Abschluss in Biowissenschaften als Sprungbrett für eine weitere Ausbildung in Berufsfeldern wie Lehre, Medizin, Zahnmedizin, Krankenpflege, Veterinärmedizin und Buchhaltung dienen.