Betriebswirtschaft (Internationales Management)
Cardiff, Vereinigtes Königreich von Großbritannien und Nordirland
3 Years
Antragsfrist beantragen
Sep 2025
GBP 22.700 / per year
Auf dem Campus
Ausgezeichnet von: Cardiff University (Prifysgol Caerdydd)
Unsere dreijährigen BSc Business Management-Programme teilen sich ein allgemeines erstes Jahr, in dem Sie sieben Pflichtmodule aus den verschiedenen Geschäftsdisziplinen belegen und ein umfassendes Verständnis der Geschäfts- und Managementkontexte und -prozesse vermitteln.
Das BSc Business Management (International Management) -Programm untersucht die unterschiedlichen Managementprozesse in multinationalen Unternehmen und berücksichtigt den Einfluss des internationalen Geschäftskontexts auf solche Unternehmen. Es deckt auch regionale Geschäftsmuster ab, wobei ein besonderer Schwerpunkt auf dem japanischen Geschäft und anderen sich schnell entwickelnden Geschäftssystemen in Ostasien liegt.
Das Programm spiegelt die Internationalisierung der Geschäftstätigkeit und das Wachstum von Unternehmen mit globaler Reichweite wider. Es bietet auch die Möglichkeit, im zweiten Jahr ein Semester im Ausland zu studieren.
• die Möglichkeit, an einer Schule zu studieren, die im Vereinigten Königreich in Bezug auf Forschungsqualität auf Platz 6 und in Bezug auf Forschungsumgebung auf Platz 1 im Research Excellent Framework (REF) 2014 steht;
• die Einbeziehung von forschungsaktivem Personal in die Lehre;
• die Betonung des unabhängigen Lernens in einem forschungsgeleiteten Umfeld;
• die Vielfalt der angebotenen Module an einer multidisziplinären und interdisziplinären Schule;
• Weiterentwicklung durch Kern- und Spezialoptionsmodule;
• die Möglichkeit, mit oder ohne Sprachkomponente im Ausland zu studieren.
Stipendien und Finanzierung
Loans and Grants
Financial support information for students.
We wish to ensure that financial circumstances are not a barrier to your undergraduate study opportunities.
We wish to recruit the very best students and to help us achieve this, we offer several scholarships.
Part-time Undergraduate Funding
Information about funding for part-time students.
Financial Support for Asylum Seekers
Information for asylum seekers about the financial support we offer undergraduates and options for funding from outside the University.
Dies ist ein dreijähriges Vollzeitprogramm mit 120 Credits pro Jahr. Alle Studierenden, unabhängig von ihrem Studiengang, absolvieren ein gemeinsames erstes Jahr, das nicht für die endgültige Abschlussnote zählt. Am Ende des ersten Jahres haben Sie die Möglichkeit, entweder beim BSc Business Management (International Management)-Abschluss zu bleiben oder in eines der anderen Business Management-Programme zu wechseln, wenn Sie Interesse an einem anderen Bereich entwickelt haben.
In Years 2 and 3, compulsory modules are determined by the choice of route but you also choose optional modules from an approved list enabling you to further tailor the degree to your interests.
The modules shown are an example of the typical curriculum and will be reviewed before the 2024/2025 academic year. The final modules will be published by September 2024.
Year One
Get to grips with the fundamentals of our universal business management first year.
We’ll introduce you to disciplines including accounting, technology and economics alongside classmates from our marketing, human resources and logistics and operations Pathways.
Core Modules for Year One
- Society and Economy
- Operations Management
- Introduction to Accounting
- Management: Theory and Evidence
- Marketing
- People in Organisations
- Technology and the Digital Age
Year Two
Combine theory and practice as your understanding of the basics grow.
You’ll discover how the practices of multiculturalism and human resource management intersect with organisational behaviour, marketing and strategy while building a comprehensive understanding of the international business landscape.
Complement your specialist knowledge with optional modules in purchasing and supply, finance and buyer behaviour.
Core Modules for Year Two
- Challenges in Managing and Leading Organizations
- Managing Multicultural Organisations
- International Management
- Marketing and Strategy
- Managing People
Optional Modules for Year Two
- Purchasing and Supply Management
- Excellence in Managing Operations
- Logistics Networks
- Project Management
- Inferential Statistics, Statistical Modelling and Survey Methods
- Performance and Financial Management
- Business, Government and Society
- Employment Relations
- Buyer Behaviour
- Marketing Research
Year Three
Put your knowledge to the test as you encounter current and emerging issues in international business.
Modules in strategy and international human resource management will preface opportunities to tailor your degree to your career ambitions.
Core Modules for Year Three
- Critical Perspectives for Contemporary Managers
- Strategic Management
Optional Modules for Year Three
The University is committed to providing a wide range of module options where possible, but please be aware that whilst every effort is made to offer choice this may be limited in certain circumstances. This is because some modules have limited numbers of places available, which are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, while others have minimum student numbers required before they will run, to ensure that an appropriate quality of education can be delivered; some modules require students to have already taken particular subjects, and others are core or required on the programme you are taking. Modules may also be limited due to timetable clashes, and although the University works to minimise disruption to choice, we advise you to seek advice from the relevant School on the module choices available.
How Will I Be Assessed?
Assessment methods vary from module to module but, across your degree scheme as a whole, you can expect a mixture of exams, coursework, essays, practical work, presentations, and individual and group projects.
Studiengebühren für das Programm
We are committed to helping you achieve your professional ambitions, and providing you with the skills, curiosity and confidence to make your mark in a competitive job market. Whether you have a clear idea of what you’d like to do after university or no idea at all, we have the tools and support to guide you.
Our graduates go on to a range of industries and professions including banking and finance management, logistics and supply chain management, UK Government and Civil Service, and data analysis.
Within the Business School, we have a dedicated Careers Centre offering bespoke business-specific support, including industry placements, internships, work experience and insights.
You’ll benefit from career consultations, interview and CV writing workshops, industry-specific events specialist psychometric assessment and broad skills training.
Graduate Careers
- Accountant
- Business Analyst
- Economist
- HR Manager
- Lecturer
- Marketing Executive
- Production Manager
- Stockbroker