Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film Art
3 Years
Antragsfrist beantragen
Sep 2024
USD 120.144 / per year *
Auf dem Campus
* $40,048 per year for all three years without an increase in the tuition rate
For centuries, the world’s greatest thinkers and artists have come to Paris to learn, create, and find inspiration.
This program gives you the chance to do the same. Through a groundbreaking partnership with Emerson College, students may now apply to the new, joint Global BFA in Film Art.
In this one-of-a-kind program, you’ll get to create everything from experimental films and videos to gallery installations, web series, and public art — in short, you’ll be making the film and media art that shapes and defines our multicultural world. The program’s global learning environment will help you expand your intercultural competence, grow your communication abilities, cause you to challenge your own assumptions and frames of reference, and grant you a new perspective — in life, in learning, and maybe through your camera lens. As renowned French filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard said: “I know nothing of life except through the cinema.”
Das Global BFA-Programm in Filmkunst baut auf der Expertise und dem Ruf des Paris College of Art und des Emerson College auf und umfasst Standorte in Paris, Boston und den Niederlanden . Die Studierenden profitieren vom höchsten internationalen Standard der Film- und Kunstausbildung innerhalb eines amerikanischen akademischen Rahmens.
In this BFA program, you will:
- Spend each academic year in the heart of Paris and spend your summer residencies alternating between Boston and the Netherlands.
- Create film and media art, including short experimental films and videos, gallery installations, web series, and public media art.
- Analyze and challenge your own assumptions and frame of reference while learning to see yourself as a citizen of a global, interconnected world.
This unique Film Curriculum allows you to combine digital filmmaking with traditional studio art practices while also engaging in media, cultural, historical, and critical studies. It will broaden your understanding of contemporary art discourses and techniques, while you create compelling film art that shapes our world. It is also an amazing opportunity to collaborate with peers from around the globe and expand your intercultural fluency and communication skills.
Sommer 1: Boston
- Geschichte der Medienkunst I
- Grundlagen der Medienproduktion
- Boston: Innen und außen
Akademisches Jahr: Paris
| Frühlingssemester
Sommer 2: Boston
- Geschichte der Medienkunst II
- Einführung in die Produktion (Film/Erzähldrama/Schnitt)
Akademisches Jahr: Paris
| Frühlingssemester
Sommer 3: Kasteel Well - Niederlande
- Kunst des Dokumentarfilms
- Kunst in Film
- Produktionsauswahl: Regie, Dokumentarfilm, Kunst
- Kulturelle Vielfalt
Akademisches Jahr: Paris
| Frühlingssemester
Sommer 4: Boston
- Medienwissenschaftliches Seminar
- BFA-Projekt: Produktion II
- BFA-Präsentation
- Praktikum ODER Regiestudium
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