Bachelor of Fine Arts in Fine Arts
Paris, Frankreich
4 Years
Antragsfrist beantragen
Sep 2024
EUR 28.800 / per year *
Auf dem Campus
* financial assistance, based on merit and need, is available for up to 50% of tuition fee
"Teaching art is about initiating total involvement, passion, questioning and questioning the questioning, experimenting, process, investigating ideas, inventing, and finding visual answers."
– Véronique Devoldère, Chair of Fine Arts
Mit Paris als außergewöhnlich reichem kulturellen Umfeld fördert die Abteilung Bildende Kunst des PCA die Entwicklung künstlerischer Fähigkeiten, den Ausdruck kreativer Prozesse und ein fundiertes Bewusstsein dafür, wie sich die Kunstpraxis mit aktuellen visuellen , kulturellen und gesellschaftlichen Anliegen überschneidet.
Students gain a strong foundation in the artistic tradition via both established and new media, thus enriching their capacity for communication and expression as a whole. The curriculum balances a full investigation of traditional media: drawing, painting, and sculpture, with extensive explorations in video, installation, performance, photography, and digital imaging.
The new focus program in the junior year allows students to choose a 2D, 3D, or 4D orientation. Elective courses in other departments open students to new and different methods and processes. Interdisciplinary practice provokes students to pursue and develop individual artistic modes of inquiry.
Application of theory and criticism shapes students’ ability to work and think critically and analytically. Courses in Art History and Critical Studies, critiques, debates and tutorials, and the considerable resources available in Paris, direct students to an informed exploration within both historical and contemporary art practices. Museum and gallery visits are an integral aspect of the curriculum.
At the completion of their sophomore year, students can apply for transfer to Anna Maria College’s BA in Art Therapy, through a special articulation agreement between the two institutions.
Gründungsjahr | Zweites Jahr |
Junior-Jahr | Abschlussjahr |
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