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University of Lincoln BA (Hons) Business Economics
University of Lincoln

BA (Hons) Business Economics

Lincoln, Vereinigtes Königreich von Großbritannien und Nordirland

3 up to 4 Years



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The ability to analyse and solve business problems in market economies is highly sought after in many types of careers, both in the UK and around the world.

BA (Hons) Business Economics at Lincoln combines topics in business and economics with the opportunity to develop the skills and problem-solving abilities needed to tackle the multi-faceted problems faced by today's business managers.

The course explores business, industrial, macroeconomic, and international economic contexts from an economist's analytic perspective. It enables students to develop key skills in economics, finance, and business.

The programme has been designed to provide a theoretical understanding of the economic decisions faced by businesses, with a focus on the application within national and international settings. It is aimed at students who wish to study an economics degree, but who have not followed economics or mathematics at A Level, or its equivalent, and who are looking for a business-focused programme without a considerable mathematics component.

"This information was correct at the time of publishing (July 2023)"




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